Naming Orientated Design
Abstract: There are three rules I found extremely useful while naming a thing. For example, a variable, a package or a project. This is really the concentration of my three years experience, now I'm willing to share this with you. Three Rules:…
Neighbor Generator
Just a quick gist that I found very useful -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Solution(object): def __init__(self, board, click): #""" :param board: List[List[s…
Semantic Segmentation / Background Subtraction with Deep Learning
Abstract: getting into deep learning sounds big but it is quite simple. In this post, I listed the steps from one of my projects to show you how to train your network. BTW when your segmentation only has two classes, which is either foreground or bac…
How To Setup Docker with Detectron
Abstract: Being talked around docker with machine learning, I finally get the chance to learn and set it up. This post is about what is docker and how to use it. Docker Logic Docker in short words has two confusing items: image and container. * An…
How to Fix Windows and Linux Showing Different Times When Dual Booting
Your computer stores the time in a hardware clock on its motherboard. The clock keeps track of time, even when the computer is off. By default, Windows assumes the time is stored in local time, while Linux assumes the time is stored in UTC time and a…
My Bashrc
It is very helpful to keep your bashrc consistant. # for tilix terminal # Use this commented line to create the link and first. # sudo ln -s /etc/profile.d/vte-2.91.sh /etc/profile.d/vte.sh if [ $TILIX_ID ] || [ $VTE_VERSION ]; then source…
How To Setup Windows Subsystem of Ubuntu and Forwarding its Desktop(Graphics) to Windows
Abstract: This post is a reference article that I have tested working with on a Windows with Ubuntu 18.04. Most posts on the internet about this topic do not work/ lack of updates. https://www.pcgamer.com/linux-in-windows-10/ Guidelines 1. Enable…
ROS Project Folder Structure Quick Setup Script
Project Folder Structure Logic Preserver the file name and path to not break the download link. This script is here at My Github [https://github.com/CodyHex/setup_scripts/blob/master/create_robot_project.sh] Peng He 2/20/2019 --------------------…
ROS TF, Whoever wrote the Python API, F**ked up the concepts.
Abstract: TF, is very useful when dealing with transformations in robot navigation. Unfortunately, the ROS wiki did a very poor job to make all the concepts in the same manner and there is merely any well done tutorials online about this. In this art…
How to use PyCharm / Clion to debug on ROS
Abstract: First of all, this is a working setup tutorial. And that's all of it. After years of dealing with ROS, I found the PyCharm or Clion from Jetbrain being my favourate IDE beside Sublime, and yes, I use Sublime most of the time. What you…