ROS TF, Whoever wrote the Python API, F**ked up the concepts.
Abstract: TF, is very useful when dealing with transformations in robot navigation. Unfortunately, the ROS wiki did a very poor job to make all the concepts in the same manner and there is merely any well done tutorials online about this. In this art…
Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT), OpenRave, 7-DOF PR2 Robot Arm, C++
Abstract: There are a lot motion planning algorithms but few of them work well on a high-dimensional C-Space, until the RRT[^n] is out. In this post, we are going to implement a RRT algorithm in C++ and test it on a PR2 robot arm. Introduction First…
Re-Learning C++ Basic
Abstract: Recently I start using C++ again but having a long time in Python makes me almost forget everything on C++, in which case is common. This programming language is not a big deal, what matters are the logistics behind your programming thought…